Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Citation of Mercola.com Content

Antiperspirants and Deodorants to Avoid - Very Important Info -Citation of Mercola.com Content

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Below I have posted a link to an article about the Tylenol (and other OTC meds) that have been recalled...please check your medicine bottles for the lot numbers. We have two bottles of Motrin that are in the recall!

Tylenol recall: FDA slams company

Tylenol recall: FDA slams company

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Mental Health and Drug Addictions

Too many people judge someone who abuses drugs as unworthy of love or compassion. Or perhaps someone who should be locked away for years. But when we take the time to learn about the individual, we might see a quite different picture. Please take a look at this blog I read today...it may give you a new perspective!

How Safe IS Our Drinking Water?

This is a question I ponder often....how safe is our tap water? We live near Chicago and have been sent (numerous times) a paper from the water company letting us know we have high levels of radium...and it seems there isn't much that can be done about it. I still drink the tap water some but we also have been buying bottled water. I have considered filtered water too...I just met online a lady who works with a company called Multi-Pure that offers water filters. I've heard of this company before and plan to check them out more thoroughly. It sounds interesting! If you'd like to learn more about the company or Ginny Williams please visit http://mygreenbiz.blogspot.com

Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Fragrances in cosmetics, skin care, and perfumes...